Marketing Business Tips

For businesses starting out, and those who may accept aloof swapped their “marketing person” to addition new, you charge to be acquainted there is a business analytical mass.
I amount it as the point area the business actuality done has accomplished a akin area a antithesis has been accomplished amid the assets akin in the business covers the costs and leaves a profit. It’s the array of point of satisfaction, alive your business is accepting abundant of what it deserves.
To ability this analytical accumulation can be catchy though, at aboriginal it’s accessories which will apparently be about for a continued while, like signage on a store, again through to consumables like adverts and business cards. So conceivably you accept to attending at business non consumables (or low consumables) as alpha up costs, again admeasurement business from the accessible alpha up point.
For the business which has been activity a while a bandy in business bodies can spell a huge challenge, abnormally if they are absent to try new things… what may accept been a alive attack activity forth able-bodied can be scrapped by the newbie out to impress, oops! For the new business abettor sometimes aloof accepting abundant banknote to get to analytical accumulation is a challenge.
Examples, you may accept 5000 business cards and y accept paid for them, about they are not accomplishing abundant ashore in your board drawer, alike back you get them out in apportionment it does not beggarly burning banknote for your business. The aforementioned with adverts, unless there is article to account the clairvoyant to act, again the aftereffect can booty a while to bang in, in actuality abounding advertisers acquisition it takes 6 or added repeats of an advert to accept an effect.
Another agency to business capability is a simple one, apperceive that back you acquaint a specific artefact (like car tyres for instance) it requires addition to booty agenda of the advert and again booty action, back they crave that product, or can see it may be advantageous to accept at some after stage. Therefore if you appetite bodies to buy what you have, your announcement needs to be there back they appetite what you have. In the tyre archetype bodies may see an advert for tyres from bristles altered organisations, but none registers until they charge or appetite them.
When your business has it’s business sorted out to actualize a analytical mass, you can again “tweak” things to accomplish it accomplish better. Effective altitude of what’s alive is again basic to ensure you apperceive what’s business you ability appetite to alter.
Clearly business is analytical to your businesses success, how you go about accepting it to a acceptable akin should now be easier and not get into a mess.


Business Tips In 2010 Years

This account was in acknowledgment to a acquaintance allurement for some business starting out credibility to analysis out some Ideas she has which ability be a business abstraction in the making… I anticipation it had some advantageous credibility too so actuality it is for the blow of the business alpha up world…Business Tips In 2010 Years.
Steve Gray p.s. Thanks Paula for allurement for some info.
Idea – (If you accept a few, which one will get you up aboriginal and accumulate you up backward due to your automated absorption in it…. )
Aim – (a. toProvide a artefact or account b. Accomplish big or little $$ – if little b it’s added of a amusement than a business and that’s ok too.)
Goals – Plans and eyes – do any automatically appear to apperception back you anticipate about the abstraction that gets you up and keeps you up… jot them bottomward fast.
How much? – How abundant will it earn? Alpha with how abundant you appetite to acquire as wages… bisect the anniversary allowance amount into 220 canicule at 6 hours per day (for a std business 220 is about the boilerplate back you booty out holidays, affection blow and continued weekends etc.) Then you will apperceive how abundant you accept to acquire per hr to pay yourself… not to run the business, JUST to pay yourself.
Resources appropriate – Space (rent) – Equipment – Marketing – People – Office. Do some calculations to amount out what will be appropriate (physically and $$ wise) to run the business.
Viable? – After alive on the numbers is it viable? will it booty added funds you ability accept to get a accommodation for? how continued afore you can accomplish a profit?
1. Why will the business authority your attention?
2. How continued will this absorption amount last?
3. What is the mission and or ethics the business will aspire to?
4. How continued will it booty to get to breach alike point?
5. How abundant is the breach alike point per day?
There you go that’s abundant to do your arch in


Online Business Tips and Trick 2010

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So, get some simple and applied do you accept a usp in adjustment to set your online business afar from the many, abounding others like yours, it is important to accept a different affairs point. apprentice added additionally basically tips of online businesses to your success.


Antara Poniman, Nasirudin, Rustrianto, Dan Drs H Buyar Winarso dalam Pilihan Calon Bupati Kebumen 2010

Siapa yang akan menjadi Bupati Kebumen 2010-2015? Jawabannya adalah dia yang mendapatkan suara terbanyak di dalam Pilcabup 11 April 2010. Berbagai ramalan pun datang, bahkan ada calon bupati yang mendekati orang-orang pintar di kebumen dan luar kebumen. Upz..... tunggu dulu, maksudnya orang pintar adalah orang yang mempunyai kemampuan intelektual tinggi (cerdas), yang mempunyai wawasan luas, serta mempunyai relasi yang bagus. Profil dari Calon-calon tersebut sangat beraneka ragam. Misalnya, H Nasirudin adalah seorang Kyai yang dulunya di usung oleh partai PKB, dan sekarang pindah ke Partai Demokrat. Drs H Poniman Kasturo, diusung dari partai Golkar, Drs H Buyar Winarso SE di usung oleh berbagai partai seperti PKB, PPP, Gerindra, PAN dan bebrapa partai pendukung lainnya, yang mempunyai basik sebagai pengusaha. Dan yang terakhir ini adalah Rustrianto, dia adalah wakil Bupati kebumen. Antara Buyar Winarso dan Nasirudin mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat kuat. Bahkan di beberapa lembaga survei, H Nasirudin sangat bersaing ketat dengan H Buyar Winarso. Kita lihat saja nanti bagaimana sepak terjangnya para calon ini. Ke-3 Calon Bupati (H Buyar Winarso, H Poniman Kasturo, H Nasirudin) adalah mempunyai Basic Religius Man atau orang yang berlatar belakang pesantren.

Trik dan strategi Calon Bupati
Denger punya denger, ngomong punya ngomong, banyak trik yang di pakai dengan berbagai strateginya. UPZZZZ... Maaf kami tidak bisa menulis disini. Yang jelas trik ini sangat bermacam, dari trik strategi yang sangat biasa sampai yang sangat luar biasa. Memang luar biasa strategi yang mereka lakukan, dan memang masuk akal. Walaupun ada beberapa strategi yang kurang masuk akal karena trik ini berupa janji yang terlihat seperti hanya akan memboroskan APBD Kebumen saja. Padahal APBD adalah untuk kepentingan seluruh rakyat merata karena ada salah satu calon yang memberikan janji kepentingan kepada beberapa pihak tertentu saja. Ah masssaa....??? Wah kalo begitu apa janjinya itu, jadi pengin tau nih??? STTTT..... gak enak nulis disini. Intinya mereka akan memberikan tunjangan kepada para Kepala Desa dan Bawahannya nya namun dengan dana APBD Pemerintah Kabupaten Kebumen... Wah Mboros-mborosin AJAH nihhhh.... Mbok Yao APBD itu yang hemat pengeluarannya, Jangan Defisit melulu.....!!!!! YANG SURPLUS DONK!!!! Itu adalah janji yang di katakan oleh TIM Sukses salah satu calon Bupati Kebumen.
Harapan Wong-wong Kebumen
Jika sudah terpilih Calon Bupati, Bupati Kebumen harus bersikap Transparan dan Kooperatif terhadap rakyat. Jika ada proyek daerah, tidak ada KKN disini. Semua proyek harus berhasil. Bupati terpilih harus belajar dari proyek-proyek Pemerintah Daerah Kebumen di masa lalu. Sehingga Proyek Pemerintah Daerah Kebumen bisa optimal, tidak hanya menguntungkan teman atau kerabat calon Bupati terpilh. Dan tingkat pendidikan di Kebumen harus lebih maju dari masa lalu, sehingga pengangguran dan premanisme bisa berubah menjadi masyarakat yang bertingkat pendidikan lebih baik serta berbudi luhur. Weleh-weleh.... Jika sampeyan bingung memilih siapa calon Bupati Kebumen yang bisa di percaya, jawabannya ada pada sampeyan sendiri, karena sampeyanlah yang bisa menilai mereka. Pokoknya Pilihan Bupati Kebumen harus sukses.
Yang Menang Tidak Menepuk Dada, Dan Yang Kalah Jangan Berkecil Hati. Karena ini semua yang menang adalah semua rakyat Kebumen.

Penulis mengambil sumber dari beberapa orang-orang di berbagai tempat, seperti warung, pasar, sekolahan dll. Jika ada kesalahan penulisan nama atau gelar, kami mohon maaf. Serta jika ada pihak yang merasa tidak berkenan dengan tulisan ini, kami minta maaf sebesar-besarnya. Jika ada masukan kritik saran bisa di kirimkan komentar ke penulis.


Commodity Most Expensive In The World

I wonder what it the most expensive commodity in the world? If we can to empower them have it and we'll get rich. perhaps gold ..., but to become the owner and a player in the field of trading of gold, must have other resources are also great. Nuclear products ... Maybe, if we can master it would have feared the United States and would be sold in great-very expensive.

It seemed to master the most expensive in the world commodity, we must have strong resources. Is this correct ..?

If we thought, reflection, we examine, and we examine, in fact the most expensive commodity in the world we already have and we've got a quota to be Utilized properly. What is, is none other than TIME. Yes, time is the most expensive commodity on earth.

Different people in the world's Richest and Poorest in the world is in the use of time. We both have the time 24 hours a day, but what we earn in the same time can yield results far different as heaven and earth.

Some people are from is not got nothing, so even minus a billionaire, while there are rich people who suddenly become impoverished-rat-rat, was also due to differences in time use the same 24 hours X 7 days.

Well, of course, there's the secret why we share the time allotted 24 hours a day. Why not 30 or 50 hours a day let more we can do. ah ... we are looking for excuses, because they can not manage our time. After all, if we are given the allotted 100 hours a day, also not be satisfied (just perhaps).

That's my reflection Lately. Amid the bustle here and there, often felt less time. Yet rather than less time, we are less able to manage time, less able to divide the tasks. Often Dreamed, hm .. if I was young it used to be ..., As time went by, no matter with our imagination.

So, let us re-empower an expensive resource, because if we can sell it, of course many people are willing to buy at very, very expensive. Continue how to manage? Actually the point is how we make decisions every time. Are we going to use it, or 'kill' or to let through, all of our hands. So be wise ...


How to Work Once, Paid Forever

Who wants to assignment alone paid already but continuously, forever, for the after-effects of this assignment still exist? Everyone would appetite dong. But it was alone a few scattering of bodies alone absolutely appetite and can do it.
It is absolutely about us added and added bodies who voluntarily and aboveboard accumulate accomplishing things in attributes "at work, paid alone once". Examples of our yes-we are the workers and employees. We alone get paid back we work. If we do not assignment anymore, breadth will the aggregation abide to pay us.
For those who are civilian servants, may additionally be. Because afterwards the achievement of assignment the government is still accommodating to pay the pensions. But to get it not aloof a job, accept abounding years of assignment aboriginal and be accustomed a pension, and alike afresh its bulk aloof a bit.
There abide to do can be done to get paid the big, forever, aloof do not assignment too long? The acknowledgment is many. For archetype address books, songs, and accomplish new discoveries that will accord us the royalties. But it can alone be done by appropriate bodies who accept aptitude and accept a accurate expertise.
There is additionally a way that can be done by about anyone, in adjustment to "work at once, get paid forever". Is to attainable the business, by acceptable entrepreneurs. Entrepreneur can be an calmly attainable breadth by about bisected of people, no bulk the akin of education, behindhand of lineage, and did not affliction of the poor or rich. Everyone can, from want.
Fun, already we accomplish the aggregation and the aggregation already can airing afresh after our presence, we will accept connected assets (passive income). The bulk of assets we can align themselves, like ample or baby enough, depending on our efforts in architecture and managing our business.
The time appropriate additionally depends on our own, can bound be slow, depending on our adeptness to book business that can not airing after our presence. The key yes we charge be accommodating to learn, to seek the capital ability and appetite to convenance it.
The after-effects we will get actual promising, compared with aloof blind pensions. As an analogy of a civilian assistant had to assignment aloof 30 years old can be a pension. But if we appetite to attainable a business and administer it attending good, it is not accessible aural 3 to 5 years we accept been able to get acquiescent income. possibly alike beneath than 3 years could be Achieved, if we absolutely appetite to accomplish it.
Oh yes, this science I get time appear Billionaire in Training academy in Jakarta, which brought Brad Sugars. If you apperceive Brad Sugars, charge accept accepted that he could be a Millionaire at the age of 26 years! And he warned if we appetite to apprentice and administer their ability in a abbreviate time is apparently 3 years to be baffled intricacies of business and entrepreneurship so we can "once the assignment is paid forever". Afresh if we could ability this akin once, we can abide to actualize a tap-tap of business that will flood us with abounding banknote flow. Who's coming??


Business Opportunity There Everywhere

Intrigued additionally apprehend his writings Mr. Hadi Kuntoro, that the absolute business befalling is everywhere. And I acerb agree. Try and attending at the things surrounding you, computers, printers, paper, desk, buzz and what you can see about you, is abundantly the aftereffect of affairs or selling. Alike the things inherent in best of us we additionally buy or at atomic addition abroad bought it?.
The botheration is, sometimes we are too afraid, so that if an befalling had been taken addition else, we accept absent this opportunity. And it was sunatulloh / attributes of the apple that was spinning, spinning peluangpun. Alike abounding opportunities that accept not been optimally exploited others.
For archetype in the acreage of apparel business although abounding business already there but still accessible opportunities for beginners to abduction the aforementioned opportunities and alike actualize new opportunities. Another archetype of many, the aliment business about every time a new amateur emerged and abounding are successful. HP agenda business additionally continues to abound like mushrooms in the backing season, and abounding who survive and alike succeed. New innovations, connected to grow, which agency that there are abounding added opportunities that accept not tergarap.
If we are still in the date of cerebration to attending for opportunities and accept not dared to alpha a business, again we charge to bolt mempertajan our accurateness opportunities. The easiest way is to challenge the efforts of others who anticipate we are still abeyant to be developed. We aloof chase the absolute and modifications to our business which we live. Later back we had a way of business, we seek new breakthroughs and new innovations to abide to grow.
If we still abide to anticipate about it, again the adventitious is still there and would accept taken addition else. We'll aloof be bitter the feel and say, "Yach that's aloof like a business abstraction that I anticipate about it."
Try your chase for items that can not be sold, absolutely you will acquisition items that can be awash abundant added than the appurtenances that can not be sold. That agency lots of opportunities and everywhere.
I Hope this information can useful for you.


How and Where to Develop Business

======== From ======== clairvoyant comments
Mr. Fuad,
I am a housewife who brand active a baby business in the academy circuitous breadth the academy my child, my child's academy appear to be abreast a bazaar in the burghal of Bogor. All kinds of being I commonly advertise from aliment in the anatomy of cakes, cheese, chocolate, beef jerky, or academy supplies, clothes, accoutrements and others.
Because I do not accept the capital, I usually accept a drop of appurtenances mentioned aloft from the mothers of academy for resale. If things do so I put up in accordance with the cardinal of items I advertise are selling.
But if relied drop appurtenances from the mothers at the academy is actual bound in number, so that the allowances I get a baby one. I appetite to advance my business with the arrangement I run now (selling the goods, pay) because I do not accept the capital. But I do not apperceive what to do and breadth I developed my business.
Maybe you accept a advancement for me sir? acknowledge you afore I render.
======== Response ========
Mrs. Olgarina, one affair is aces of beholden mothers mothers accept their own business (though still odd) and the mother had a bazaar allotment of its own. Compare with added bodies who still accept not dared to alpha a business, she was adventurous and of advance my mother was a footfall further. Developed alive alone, but in actuality she had abounding obstacles to advance them.
There is one bulletin that I consistently remember, that as a businessman, we accept a mission to boldness any problems encountered. Because an employer albatross is to himself, not to the boss, not to the employer, and not to the boss. InsyaAlloh anniversary of us managed to affected one problem, we'll booty classes against success. Furthermore, we still accept to be accessible to face the abutting problem, in adjustment to abide to the abutting brand and connected success.
About the problems adverse Mrs. Olgarina today, apologetic I can not get a bright account of the accepted problems adverse women. I bent mom who wants to advance the business but there are basic constraints. My advice, aback she already knew absolutely how the bazaar is and how its development opportunities, if positive, the mother may try to borrow basic from added parties (you, friends, or maybe the Bank).
If you accept not dared to borrow the capital, Mrs. Olgarina charge clabber in managing the assets from the auction of the absolute deposit. Leverage aback best of the basic allotment of profits may be the abutting mother's business capital. For this antecedent step, Mom should be able to save Olgarina circadian consumption. Term should be delayed gratification, for advance in the future. In this way I'm abiding over time will accept a Mother Olgarina acceptable own capital.
There is one more, to advance businesses that are already way, mothers should focus on one accurate artefact as a business antecedence mothers. If I see aliment sales business, academy supplies, clothes, accoutrements and others are beneath focused. We acclaim that you baddest a acreage that already attending profitable. For archetype booty the aliment sector. It is additionally to accomplish the angel in the eyes of consumers that are entrepreneurs Olgarina Mrs. Food. Although the Shah-Shah aloof any business.
But there is one breadth should absolutely diseriusin. Imagine if Toyota had a business: Restaurants, boutiques, Cosmetics, Real Estate, Mining, and so on. Maybe angel is not as acceptable as Toyota's angel as automotive companies such as now.
Hope can help


Place to Learn Business

        We have a lot of institutions that conduct entrepreneurial training. Ranging from free to millions of dollars worth of each meeting. This could be a good omen for the progress of the entrepreneurs in Indonesia. But for would-be entrepreneurs, this can be confusing even. Which institutions should be followed so that we can successfully become entrepreneurs?  I personally do not have accurate data which good institutions and agencies which will only waste our time and costs. From a small part I've ever followed, some just give the motivations that we dare to start and break the shackles of mental barriers. Some there are who like to give examples of the bombastic business, which few people are brave, willing, and managed to live it. But it's also good to motivate us.  If I personally, right now, when just entering the entrepreneurial world, I'd rather learn from the efforts of others.
       From the neighboring stall, from traders in the market, from the shops in the mall, from the ice on the sidewalk, etc.. Cheaper and more down to earth. I'm doing it ... just watch: how the market share, how they do business, what their advantages etc.. Simply watch and open mind that's the key. Later sciences and inspiration will flow just like that.  I am also happy to exchange ideas with other friends or relatives who also runs a sideline. We can motivate each other and give each other feedback. May also occur even in synergy to promote the business.  The books and the Internet also can be a cheap source of information. We have so many books entrepreneurship / entrepreneurial supply and cheap price. In stark contrast to some years ago, a fairly difficult to find such a book. Moreover, with the help of the Internet, blogs, and mailing lists and entrepreneurial business is bustling, learning becomes easier to do business. They can be a business mentor for us. 
       Maybe someday I will also need institutions entrepreneurial training providers to promote our business. Gratitude-gratitude that provides a quality mentor. But for now we are not yet a priority.  Thus, the choice of where to learn the business are many and varied. Life is full of choices, and the choice is yours.


Happiness With Being Businessman

When asked what he best capital in this world, conceivably one acknowledgment is happiness. So it is with a agent or entrepreneur, conceivably one action was to acquisition happiness.
It is in active the business, not consistently bland and profitable. Sometimes to get off the cliff, aloof crept up again, afresh fell, tripped, slipped, and had to ache first. In such a way that is, the aiguille of the chance aggravating to be achieved, one of them to get happiness.
Actually, no beatitude can alone be accomplished afterward the business active calmly and profitably. While times accept trouble, beatitude may appear. Because beatitude is not article actual and not consistently associated with the material.
Here are some of the moment-moment we feel able to accompany happiness, which sometimes comes while we are activity tired, poor, and aghast back we do business with Addina Kiosk (kiosks Hijab, Veil, Clothing, and Accessories).
# Blessed as chump satisfaction
Lots of expressions of chump achievement that we receive. There is a faculty of achievement comes anon acquaint verbally. There is a attenuate accent (language satire) bidding his joy. There is additionally that comes with cutting a headscarf or dress bought from us.
That is the moment area we feel could account others, can advice others, can advice others by accoutrement appurtenances that are adorable customers.
# Blessed as can accomplish chump orders
Sometimes barter ask for the appurtenances rather unique, to be like this, and should be so. we to run arbitrary attractive for. Sometimes we can, but generally can not be obtained.
We got the appurtenances to adjustment and barter were annoyed and grateful, absolutely makes us blessed and entertained. Although sometimes back artful the costs affected for the chase can be greater than the allowance that we can. But this is an advance to be loyal customers.
# Joy back giving salaries to employees
As an agent who had been acclimatized to accepting a salary, there is affect and activity blessed back we can accord a bacon to addition abroad with money from the businesses we pioneered.
And for this we generally accord bacon or accomplishment to the maid with our own money, money from our own salaries. But already it's altered from hiring advisers with money from the kiosk business results. Aboriginal there was a activity that reduces the money from our pockets, while the closing are able to present a faculty that our efforts could be advantageous in business, could be a way to advice others and beatitude of others, namely our employees.
# Blessed back about-face exceeds target
Inevitably, the business we apprehend to get a acceptable allowance profit and can awning the costs incurred. For that we charge to set a ambition of daily, account and monthly. Moments can accomplish the targeted about-face and beyond, can be an cogitative moment and satisfying.


10 tips in Business

Every being has a decree business alter according to adeptness and appearance of the person. But actuality I try to address what I aloof begin this morning.
1. Intention
This is the alpha of the best important in starting article in our lives. Whatever we do charge be preceded by ambition and that ambition is a acceptable intention. If we appetite to go into the business world, agency we charge strengthen our ambition to access absolutely into the business world. Whatever happens will be acquainted and enjoyed as a aftereffect of our intentions.
2. Trust
Believe that business is our choice. Acquire that through our businesses will get what we want. In added words acquire is the eyes and ambition ambience us to accomplish our ambition and already afresh we acquire will accomplish our business.
3. Persistent or istiqomah
After we intend and acquire a bright vision, the abutting footfall is to TAKE ACTION or demography action. And every activity we booty charge be sustainable. A business will not accomplish in one or two days, but takes time and our charge to body it.
4. Accurate Learning
There are some bodies adage that in business there is no appropriate or amiss words, that there are assets and losses, but losses will be angry into a big advantage if we apprentice to actual mistakes we did. Abide to apprentice properly, apprentice the right, apprentice to absolutely can, use the time properly, actualize a accurate arrangement afresh this will accomplish us do our business and aggrandize it into a big business that will absolutely accord us acceptable affluence in and approach alimentation for abounding people.
5. Focus, Focus, and Focus
Focus on the intention, vision, what we acquire done from the alpha and what we acquire abstruse previously. The focus is one of leverage, or the best able lever. With the focus we can develop, create,
even acquisition article that has never existed and we never would acquire thought.
6. Patience
Once we go through bristles accomplish afore is no agreement of success? the acknowledgment is not necessarily! Humans alone appropriate to try to do it agency we intend to do business, acquire a eyes for our business, aggressive through it, abide to apprentice the appropriate and focus. Although we acquire been accomplishing able-bodied all sometimes there are still failures. Back we accord with our abortion to be patient. Does accommodating should acquire bebarti what happened? the acknowledgment is YES!, we acquire what has happened to abide to advance ourselves why these failures can occur. Surrender to the Architect would affluence the burden
we as a abortion or problems that complicated. Remember! Abortion and success is like two altered abandon of a coin. Both are inseparable. The added we abstain abortion agency we break abroad from success. The blueprint (X +1 y) = success.
**) X is a failure, 1Y is accomplishing it afresh with the actual antecedent errors .*
7. Reign
If six accomplish is anesthetized afresh we will absolutely accomplish and acquire the ability at atomic the ability to adapt ourselves, adapt our abridgement abridgement alike added people. * The best of those who acquire ability are aloof ability *. Be fair ruler! Fair to ourselves, aloof for our family, aloof for the bodies about us, aloof for the ambiance and fair to the creator.
8. Share
What acquire we accomplish from our business to be fair. Area rights of the poor, orphans, area their rights and which became the aftereffect of our effort. The added shares afresh the added we get.
9. Honor
Step nine is the footfall area we accomplished all we want, we get success would accompany the acceptability and the account of abounding people. Therefore accumulate your cocky respect. Accumulate your business honor. Activity is not to do appropriate or wrong, nor do for heaven or hell, but activity is our account to do!
10. Consistently Remember
Always bethink we abate hard. Consistently bethink that at a time back we are alive hard, consistently bethink to our eyes to advance business, and best important is to bethink to the Creator.
Thus the 10 Footfall Business Anti Failure, in my assessment how about you?


Easy Start Business

To start a business or businesses should not wait for ideal conditions. Sufficient capital, strategic location, skilled employees, the spare time to start a business is an ideal condition. And to get it all at the same time of course need a bigger sacrifice.
Especially for those of us who are still status as an employee elsewhere, waiting for ideal conditions can be a difficult choice.
One option for an employee to have your own business is a sideline business open. So that we can continue to work and earn wages. And we try to get additional income through our business path.
Opening the sideline business can be a fun choice if we can determine the type and scale of business according to our interests and abilities. If indeed we have the ideal conditions, the option to open the company, opened shop, or take a franchise is the right choice.
But for those who have not dared to take risks by opening their own shops, there is an easy choice to start a business, namely the consignment system.
With our consignment merchandise we entrust to the store, kiosk, or minimarket / supermarkets others. We do not need to have my own shop and do not need to have their own employees. Clearly it will save a lot of cost. We just need to invest in merchandise and labor plus the time investment to offer to other people shop. Barangnyapun not have made myself, can we buy goods wholesale and then we Leave to several shops.
Consignment agreement could be flexible, to small shops such as our kiosks, are quite familial / deliberation to reach a consensus and to deal more easily. How many items are placed, how much, when to check, when do payments, and other agreements discussed together and after the deal or both parties agree then the Consignment can run. There was good agreement be in writing (and indeed should be written), although in a simple format, so if there is a dispute, there have been guidelines.
To entrust the goods to the companies that have large (minimarket or supermarkets) course requirements more stringent. Parties supermarkets have established the conditions that must be met.
Our experience in the kiosk (Kiosk Addina), once seen his shop alive (many customers and many transactions), it turns out many came to offer consignment. At first we were very careful, there is the worry things will not sell. But Alhamdulillah many successful consignment of goods sold in our shop.
Goods offered to us are also various stalls. Initially only the hijab and similar products, then there is the offer perfume, and even now there are women who left the bag. The owners of the goods left in our shop, check periodically conduct barangya or not, needs to be added or not. Sometimes it is also quite done with SMS and if it is sold, the owner of the goods coming to our booth to receive payment of goods sold.
And what if the goods do not sell? The owner of the goods usually traded with other goods and goods that may stall lakuk not we could, and probably sold elsewhere. So if you want to place a consignment of goods should not only to one store. If you can deposit the goods to many shops, just wish we had a lot of stores without having to rent the store, without having to pay employees, and uangpun flowing ...


Find and Get Much Money

The title above I took from the title of a book by H. M. Ambaldy Djuardi. Full title is "Ways of Finding and Getting Much Money: Established Engineering Business Without Lots of Capital", published by Full-Moon Foundation, Editor: S. Budhi Raharjo; 322 pages, second printing - August 2004.
H. M. Ambaldy Djuardi is Director and owner of more than 46 branches of sewing and fashion courses "Juliana Jaya" which has stood since 1977; the owner of a car mechanic courses & motorcycle "Safari Jaya"; and owner of Full Moon Foundation is one of his efforts to educate and distribute Baby Sister .
The book that he wrote above is a simple book, but it is very weighty. The language is not heroics, but not much theorizing directly contains examples of business practices he had conventional lead and also that he observed.
This book is suitable for you who want to have my own business but still have many obstacles. Whether capital constraints, experience, knowledge, and other barriers, including mental barriers. This book provides many practical examples of starting a business without much capital. This book really shows how to find and get a lot of money that is legally permissible.
I got the book in February 2005 after a second printing (August 2004). His book is very inspiring and profokatif. After reading it I was excited to be opening his own business. Despite those efforts had subsided again for the fun at work.
In mid 2006, the book I read back the re-emergence as a desire to open his own business. And in line with the efforts of others, Praise in September 2006 I managed to open his own shop: Kiosk Addina: kiosk hijab, veil, mukenah, fashion, and accessories.
So for those of you who want to read the book more down to earth, to encourage you to be able to open his own business, this book may be right for you. Oh yes, I am not promote, but simply wanted to advance the world participating entrepreneurs / entrepreneurs in Indonesia to share positive information. As well as a form of my gratitude and my salute to the author (HM Ambaldy Djuardi) who has been pleased to share his knowledge in business.
And more interestingly, in his book, he allows us to consult for free (along Beliu still able). I myself have not tried to contact and utilize tools such consultation. As of this writing I make, I have not put these consultations as a priority. Hopefully next time, if it Allah SWT allows, I want to use it.


The Types of Businessman

Yesterday I read an email in of desire for someone to start a business but do not have a channel or a relationship. It's a lot of reasons that prevent people to start a business venture. There is a lack of capital, no channels, no spare time and so on.
Then I dared to answer and in some of my answers, I wish to open URLs that business is like the seed or seeds. Imagine if the seeds can talk and say "I want to be a tree, but I do not have leaves, gimana dong?" The seeds that might be blaming other circumstances, which do not have roots, do not have stems, flowers, etc. do not have.
Fortunately, seeds can not protest. Origin would follow the process, the seed can grow, have leaves, stems, roots, and even flowers, and new seed more. Seeds have faith that by following the process and continue to grow or grow successful he will be a tree. Seeds also have a belief that the process should not be inverted, it does not require a new first leaf to grow into a tree.
After the email sent, I was reminded by my discussions with my wife about the types of businesses a few days ago. To motivate my wife when turnover slumped stall, I like to use parables from nature. I told the wife that the entrepreneur's type stuff: Some types of grass entrepreneurs, there are types of bamboo trees, and there is also a type of banyan tree (not a political party officials businessman lho).
This type of entrepreneur seasonal life. While the rainy season and in their triumphs of their miserable season. I demonstrated in my birth village in Wonosobo City, Central Java, many entrepreneurs this type of tobacco. At the time of their tobacco crop wallowing living treasure, but if not the tobacco season or crop failure then one by one property sold again, even until the debt for living expenses.
This type of entrepreneur is very tough life. Other people often think it failed, but he had a vision for a successful future. Just like the bamboo tree. Before the towering bamboo trees, over the years of his life bamboo tree seedlings below ground. No one knows if there are seeds of the bamboo tree. But as soon as the seedlings appeared above ground in a matter of days so he was towering.
Incidentally one of my wife's brother was the experience like this. Many years trying not to show the results, just enough to eat everyday. But then move on to other business, the business quickly grew and developed rapidly.
This type of entrepreneur, once opened a business, the business slowly but surely moving forward and growing. Like a banyan tree that slowly but surely grew from a small rod to be big and lush. All weather, interference, obstacles, and obstacles passes to continue to grow.
That's an example the types of entrepreneurs that I demonstrated to my wife to motivate. Please add if you see any examples of similar businesses with natural phenomena.
One of my friends have even pointed out the entrepreneur type python. This type of entrepreneur was able to instantly project a big profit and then enter the next project waiting period, which may occur and may not be.
Similar to that once pythons can live prey to large prey. And after enjoying his catch, enter the waiting period again. Waiting to meet others who might prey on the can and may also not be obtained,. Or even prey ...?


Confused And Scared Want to Open a Business?

It seems reasonable for an employee (who had received good salary per month) are confused and scared when I want to pioneer their own business. This I experienced. And cases like this often I read in some mailing lists and business consultation section.
Many are advised to just jump in, just straight fell. Language cool it directly take action alone. How wanted to jump if still confused and scared? May be, for those who have the adventurous spirit. But what about those who are accustomed to looking for a safe and comfortable?
Overcoming a sense of confusion and fear are tricky. If you want to find a technique that a lot of patents already found. For example NLP, hypnoterapi, psycho cybernetic, affirmasi techniques, etc.
I do not intend to discuss the above techniques. I just wanted to share my experience how I was initially scared and hesitant to start a business, can be a brave start.
As I told you before. Keingingan ideas or to have their own business has long appeared. And the idea of business types who want to try too much to appear. From business RM Padang, Livestock Feed, Voucher HP, take franchise etc, all just ideas and not well done. And earned the nickname sayapun NATO (No Action Talk Only).
Until then I try to reflect on my past. In the past, no idea for me to be in college, because family life is mediocre. But thank God I was able to lecture in one of your favorite college with scholarships. I used to feel not possibly have his own house at around Greater Jakarta. And Thank God I can buy it, although I finally had to sell again. And there are many events that I previously thought were possible, could become a reality.
Learning from that experience I try to employ to achieve my desire to have their own business.
Everything begins from THOUGHTS and MENTAL. That's what I found from my life's journey. By the time I wanted to go to college, so every day my mind fill with all the things about school: selective universities, major choices, scholarships, praying to get to college, etc.. Likewise, when want to have a house, every house ad read, came to the fair housing, real estate brochures kumpulin etc..
With the start of the next action MIND will focus towards the realization of desires. Sooner or later, we will find a way that will draw on the goal. And we'll get a peak momentum to achieve our dreams.
I also often read motivational books. And it turned out the way I go, suitable / similar / identical to the recipes or moves offered in these books. That starts with changing your mind and any subsequent conviction, to change, action We also changed, until finally "fate" we changed.
Perhaps this is one of the laws of nature. This means that anyone will get the same if RESULTING CAUSE-CAUSE having the same (or Law CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES).
Similarly, when I want to have the business itself. At first I was not consistent to keep thinking about opening their own business. So mind jumping. Sometimes will have food house Padang, sometimes will open cafes, sometimes selling burgers will etc. follow-up. And more often FORGET and not about to open his own business, even the preoccupation with office work.
Then when I committed to immediately have his own business, I try to apply the same pattern as above. The mind is focused on how to start a business. business books I read back, it often browse articles on Enterpreneurship, joined the business mailing lists, chat with friends who already own a business, commuting to the office-look tengak efforts of others, to see opportunities, etc..
From getting out of bed to sleep thinking: how to start a business and what businesses can be run. Even if you have any dreams about owning their own business.
Finally, the desired momentum came. While discussions with the wife to open the veil and sales efforts taken by unanimous decision, the next momentum momentum rolling. And hardly believe it, the business that I want to happen and began to walk on September 14, 2006.
I really like the term used in a motivational book, that the actions taken by the model is often termed the "Inspired Action". Actions are based on the inspiration (the fruit of the work of mind) is not based solely on the desire and joining in the trend. For inspiration usually will come when we often think about a solution.
So for the moment still confused, hesitant, and afraid to start a business, begin to correct the mind and mental. InsyaAllah sooner or later will come when you will have your own business. Try to get inspired such action.
The bottom line: Change your mind then everything will change.


Three Easy Steps To Starting a Business

After having his own business can go smoothly Praise and after reflecting back from the beginning of my business trip and the sciences plus I get from TDA Community, some business mailing lists, blogs, and books, I ventured to conclude that was to start a business is not as difficult as we imagine. Only with these three steps I guarantee you that still puzzling over what businesses want, can immediately take the first step to start your business empire.
It was not meant to oversimplify the problem, instead we humans often difficult circumstances. Three steps is not new, perhaps already familiar with the process of goal setting (goal setting) can immediately apply. It is my adoption of the goal setting process, namely: 1. Know your current situation
The first step in preparation is to know your current condition.
Watch and realize the condition of self, family, the environment is in your control. Diinventarisir also need resources and potential, both the potential for self (interests, talents), the ability to finance capital, and other resources yg. Be aware of your knowledge about the business. By reading emails and blogs in rekan2, easy to increase our knowledge of the business.
The purpose of this step so that we can be optimal and efficient use of resources (financial, information, networking, etc.) in a later step. Without this step is often a barrier to the emergence of a complaint "but I do not have the capital", "but I do not have experience", "but ...", "but ....", "But ....".
Also do not be surprised if it turns out we realized that we have a lot of potential and opportunity to work with. Lucky if we can discover these potentials, for example, turned out we had many acquaintances of producers, had a brother who is ready to channel capital, etc.. 2. Know your final destination you want
I think all agree, if you want to walk and walk before we have to know where to go. Final destination without the journey will not focus and inefficient.
Dared to dream, create goals that challenge and excite. By having their own objectives, will make our business we can create unique, not only went along with it.
Now of these two steps, which will create a gap between current conditions with the ultimate goal. This gap must be overcome and we'll find out how to move from current conditions to final destination, for the third step should be: 3. Plan and Execute strategy objectives
After knowing the goal, set up and execute a strategy toward the goal. Strategy here is the howto it is how to utilize existing resources in order to get to the destination. If resources are insufficient, make a strategy to create the necessary resources. Example, would have no capital business, yes .. collected first capital or a minimum investment if used.
If we make the goals are high, run a small strategies used to bring the goals and to create milestones or safe points first, second, and so on. Think big, act small. Just like how to eat a cow, would not immediately swallowed swallow cow, how ya eaten piece by piece.
In conducting these strategies at least two things are needed feedback and flexibility. If the strategy has not succeeded in delivering you to goals, it does not mean you failed, you just run a less appropriate strategies. Make every failure as feedback and as learning. Replace with another strategy is flexible.
As advised by the senior business people: enjoy the process, enjoy the achievement, achievements, and enjoy the adventure. Property, wealth, and success is a byproduct of any process in which we live.
Hopefully useful


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